Enter the main keyword (like the niche name) and you’ll get suggestions for your next domain name.
If you are unsatisfied with the results, you can give another try (domains are listed randomly).
If you have less than 10 results, it’s because your keyword has a high competition level, you can try another one to get more domain names ideas.
What is this tool about?
Finding a domain name is harder and hard. Most of the good domain names are already registered, and it’s time-consuming and exhausting to find something decent to host your next web project. This tool will help you find a good domain name in a few seconds.
When you type a keyword in the search bar, it will look for all the domain name including this word and another ones (adjectives in general). This way, you can quickly see what is available, and register a domain name that include your main keyword and an adjective you like.
What can I do if there is no result?
This tool will try to find a domain name available corresponding to your primary keyword, but for the most popular ones (like “web” or “blog”) there is no result because all the combinations are already taken. In this case, try another keyword. You can also use two or some modifiers to find better result. For example, if “masters” has no result, you can try something like “masterz”. Obviously, it depends on the project you have, it’s not a good fit for all cases.
You can also use our “Domain Checker” tool, to test your more creative ideas in a few seconds.
How to register a domain name once I find a free one?
As a general rule, you need to go to a domain name registrar to order your domain name. You can choose the one you prefer, it doesn’t matter. Price may be slightly different, so make sure to check on several websites.
Here are a few examples of serious ones:
All of them have hosting solutions if you want to create a website with them.