Words counter

Type your text (or paste it) in the box below to get the number of words.

No matter why, you may sometimes need to count words in a text, and this tool will do it instantly with a simple copy/paste.
I use it to count words in blog posts or to study the competition.

How does the words counter works?

This tool will count the number of spaces in your text to instantly find the number of words you are using. Just copy and paste your text in the form, and you’ll see the number just below it.

What is this tool useful for?

There are many cases where the number of words in a text is an interesting number to know. For example, writers are often paid per word to write articles, or they may reach a minimum number of words for their content to be approved. This tool will help them to quickly see if they have enough words or not.

Other professions like translators, journalists, lawyers or advertisers might also need that kind of tools to make sure they respect their orders or customers limitations.